B l o g .
[CBC] "The City of Leonia refashions itself every day.… It is not so much by the things that each day are manufactured, sold, bought that you can measure Leonia's opulence, but rather by the things that each day are thrown out to make room for the new." [Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino] We know garbage is produced at an alarming rate. We also understand there are at least two costs associated with this so-called garbage. The first is the expense of taking it to the landfill and managing that landfill. Second is the value of the resources (metals, glass, compost, etc.) squandered by not reusing them. Our apparent overall indifference to these expenses and lost revenues may lie somewhere between a sense of privilege (as in the obsession with "the new" in the Invisible Cities excerpt) and not having the right systems in place to help us recycle. Read more → Comments are closed.
BridgmanCollaborative's CO-LAB blog shares our passion for architecture, design and urban issues. What makes a good city? We ask careful questions, we listen, we work for change.
January 2021